Monday, February 9, 2009

I Suck At Remembering To Write In This Blog...

Hey Guys!

I am sorry that I am the worst "blogger" ever. I always mean to update it, but then I get distracted... you know me...

Updates on Life in Copenhagen:
1. I am becoming a culinary genius! Seriously. I can actually cook an edible meal these days. I have finally figured out how to cook rice successfully! For dinner tonight, I made delicious chicken with rosemary, thyme, olive oil, and some onion, some mixed veggies, and rice (currently a staple in my diet.) Mom would be so proud!

2. It snowed this weekend. 

3. On Thursday, instead of going out we decided to hang out around the dorm... Christian (my neighbor) and I decided to be Linh (my other neighbor) in my suitcase and leave her in front of our friend Eddie's door.  The video is posted on Facebook... I swear that it is really funny!
4. It is currently Fashion Week in Copenhagen... On Friday I went to a fashion show put on by this brand called, Pop.  The clothes weren't that cool, but there were free drinks so.... :)

5. On Saturday afternoon I went to the Assistens Cemetery in Norrebro... It is the largest cemetery in Copenhagen where Hans Christen Andersen and other famous Danes are buried.  A guy from CBS took me and then we went for coffee at a cafe for a few I am going to assume that this was a date sort of thing.... Not something American or in particular GW girls are used to!

6. On Saturday night, Mie (a girl who is a student at CBS and studied abroad at GW last semester) invited me over and we went out with her roommate, Damian (who is a chef and super funny) and her friend, Sally (a student at the University of Copenhagen) and 3 other exchange students.  It was really fun and I discovered a bunch of really cool bars.  

I'll try and update again soon!

PS. I am leaving for Paris and London and Thursday! Can't wait!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

And Classes Begin?

So I have been at CBS for two weeks and 3 days. How many classes have I had? Well...only 2!  The class schedule at CBS is completely bizarre and based around professors personal schedules.  In February and March I basically only have class twice a week, while in April and May I have class 4 times a week.  On Wednesdays, I have a class called Violence and American Culture, which is actually pretty interesting.  The professor in from New York and teaches at Indiana.  On Fridays, I am taking a course called Organisational Entrepreneurship, which you would think would be interesting, but the professor goes off on 30 minute tangents whenever you ask him a question.  Later in the semester I will be taking International Economics and luckily International Business Law if I am taken off the waiting list.

In the meantime I have been trying to plan my trips across Europe (yay!) From February 12-23 I will be traveling to Paris and London.  Then on February 27- March 1, I will be heading to Oslo, Norway.  I still need to plan my trips to Germany (Berlin/Munich), Italy, Amsterdam (duh), Ireland, and Sweden.  I don't know how I am going to fit it all in! 

Organizing all of this is extremely stressful, but hopefully I will get it all done

I'll try to write more often and in more detail in the future. But I gotta run!