Monday, January 26, 2009

Week 1

Hey Everyone!

I know its been a while, so let me try to re-cap on the highlights of the last couple days-

Last week was our Danish crash course. Where I am sorry to say I did not learn much...
Hej- Hi
Jeg hedder Alyssa- My name is Alyssa
Jeg kommer fra USA- I am from the USA
Je taler engelsk- I speak english
Jeg laser okonomi- I study economics
Je bor Porceleashaven- I live in Porceleashaven
Hvorden gar det?- How are you?
Det gar fint- I am good
Ol- beer
Je er fuld/stenet- I am drunk/stoned
Jeg har tommermond- I am hungover

And that is basically the extent of my Danish. I tried!

Recap Of The Week:
Monday- We had an introduction meeting and afterwards we all went to the student bar called, Cafe Nexus and then went to hang out in one of the dorms

Tuesday- We went bowling (which is apparently big in Denmark, who knew!) I scored an embarrassing 17 points.

Wednesday- We had an international dinner, where everyone brought a dish from their own country.  I cooked some gourmet grilled cheese with two other Americans.  

Thursday- We went ice skating (I basically shuffled my way across the ice) at Kongens Nytorv. We also tried some danish drink that was essentially hot wine with nuts and raisons (gross)

Friday- I visited an area of Denmark called, Christiania, which is basically a self-governing hippie town separate from Denmark.  I also met up with my "buddy" group for pizza and we all went out to a club called Karel, where I discovered a new alcohol called "Fisk," which essentially tastes like licorice. It's delicious!

Saturday- I went with my buddy group to the Erotica Museum- very educational.  My buddy, Unni (who is very cool!) took me to a concert at a bar called, Rust, where this band I just discovered (Caspian and the Good Times) where played.  Unni also showed me some cool vintage stores that I definitely need to check out.

Sunday- I met up with a girl from GW, who is studying at the University of Copenhagen for the semester and then I made danish pancakes with my buddy group- so good!

Monday- Today I FINALLY got my CPR Number (aka my danish social security number), so now I can get FREE health care- break a leg! Afterwards, I went grocery shopping. Going out to eat is very expensive in Denmark, so I basically need to learn how to cook and go grocery shopping for myself. Luckily, there are people on my floor who can cook, so I won't go hungry. After grocery shopping, I went around town with some girls.  We discovered an TOPSHOP, which makes me EXTREMELY EXCITED! Tonight, we are going to a bar called, Cafe Park.

Important Things I Have Learned This Week
1. If American girls are curious as to why there are no cute boys in the USA. FYI- They are in Denmark.  

2. The coffee here is AMAZING

3. Fisk, a danish alcohol, is awesome. 

4. Do not plug your speakers into the wall- You WILL blow all electricity. 

5. Caspian and The Good Times is a pretty good band. Check them out at the link above.

Anyway, I better nap before I go out tonight!

I miss you all!


PS. I will try to post some pictures soon!


  1. lover. glad you are getting along with unni better! and top shop is amazing, they have it in london too! i'm leaving for DC on weds, i'll keep you posted!


  2. Lyss, reading your blog and loving it!!! COME VISIT ME IN LONDON IN JUNE YOU HOBAG!!! I love you! keep having a blast!!! ps do you have bbm over there?

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